Fun Family Activities to Try this SummerFun Family Activities to Try this Summer

Summer is the best season to spend quality time with family by trying fun family activities. When you get an opportunity to have family fun, you tend to make your family bond stronger. Moreover, you and other family members feel a sense of belongingness which helps in mental well-being. 

There are many things to do with family for fun, some of which you can do at home but some are meant for outdoors. Both of these categories of activities are the best ways to create memories with family members.

Activities like going on picnics, and playing charades and board games are common family activities. However, there are many new things that you can try to have an amazing time with your family. We brought you a list of 7 great fun family activities to enjoy the moment.


If you have a garden, you can plan a family fun day around it. First of all, go to the horticulture shop and buy the gardening tools if you don’t have them. Moreover, if you are planning to plant saplings, visit a nursery to buy a plant of your choice. Also, don’t forget to arrange for soil, manure, and pot.

Once things are arranged, ask everyone to gather around in the garden. Give safety equipment to kids, so that they don’t get hurt by sharp tools. First of all, mend the garden by removing the unwanted shrubs and grass. Teach the kids how you do it. 

After that, water the old plants and don’t forget to instruct everyone about how much water will suffice. Then, prepare to plant the saplings that you brought from the nursery. Guide everyone on how to sow a plant properly and how much amount of manure to be used.

Teach the kids the importance of weeding out unwanted plants, how plants make food, why are manure and water used in the garden and what role soil plays.

Once you are done with the garden, don’t forget to click pictures of younger ones with the saplings they planted. They would be astonished to view the picture and compare the grown-up plant with the one in the image. 

Read a related blog, Guide To Planning An Affordable Family Vacation

Go Swimming

Looking for fun family activities, how can you forget to go for a swim? Swimming is one of the preferred ways to cope with the summer heat, and it is well known that kids love playing with water, who doesn’t!? 

There may be many swimming pools near to your location. If you don’t know about one, take the help of Google Maps to find it and get the contact information of a pool that has the best reviews. Then, make a plan with your family members and make a list of those who want to go swimming.

Once these things are done, call one of the numbers that you got from the web and enquire about your requirements. Don’t forget to tell them about the number of people accompanying you and if you need an instructor. Moreover, ask them the minimum age of the children that are allowed to swim in their pool. Besides, ask them if they provide the swimming costume. 

If they provide swimming costumes then it’s good, otherwise, you need to visit a nearby sports shop to buy them. Without swimming costumes, you won’t be allowed to swim as pools have some rules and regulations. 

Go swimming with your family and enjoy the relaxation provided by the cold water. Moreover, you can play with balls and other toys with your kids in the pool. 

Garden Camping

You may have heard about and done outdoor camping, especially during trekking or mountaineering, what if I tell you that you can enjoy it even in your garden? Well, it’s true!  It might seem a bit weird but can provide you with a way to spend quality time with your family. 

For enjoying a camping night, arrange a tent according to your family size, sleeping bags, and hammock if needed. After dusk, prepare the camping arrangements in your garden. Raise the tent, tie the hammock to a tree, arrange wood for fire and bring the food supplies.

Once everything is ready, begin camping. Enjoy the soothing breeze, the smell of flowers and a starry night. You can play some games and enjoy the moment. Afterwards, light up the fire and cook the food under the open sky on a woodfire. 

Enjoy the meal and get ready to sleep. You have two choices, either you can sleep in the tent or outside if you want to star gaze. 

Making Ice Cream

Making and having ice cream with your family can be one of the best fun family activities. People of all ages like having ice cream; what if I told you that making ice cream is much more fun than having it? Yes, you read it right.

For making ice cream, bring different varieties of fruits, sugar, containers, condensed milk, and dry fruits. Once you have all the necessary ingredients, ask your kids and other family members to gather. 

First of all, cut the fruits into small pieces, and put them in a container. Then pour in condensed milk, dry fruits and sugar according to taste and mix them well.

When this process is complete, pour the mixed liquid into the containers and put them into deep freeze. Wait for 4-5 hours and then serve it to your family.

In this way you can make your children learn how you make ice cream, moreover, you all can savour the ice cream. 

Visiting a National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary

Are you an animal lover and love to click their pictures? Are you the person who is fed up visiting the zoo with your family? Well, I have the best idea for you to have a family adventure. All you have to do is to find the nearby national park or wildlife sanctuary.

Once you are done with your research, prepare yourself to go on a visit. Before visiting there, enquire about the process of getting a ticket. You can get the contact details of the concerned officer through the web.

Apart from this, you can also book an animal safari if the national park or wildlife sanctuary offers it. Also, don’t forget to bring a DSLR camera to capture the wildlife.

The best time to visit a wildlife sanctuary or national park is early in the day. You get plenty of time to explore the whole area and get a sight of the wildlife. Furthermore, don’t forget to educate the children about animal species, and plants and the significance of animal conservation.

Revisiting Old Pictures

Revisiting old pictures is one of the best things to do with family and friends. It provides you with a way to relive the past and share the memories and stories behind the pictures with others. 

You may have family albums containing snaps of your forefathers, important events, your kids, and other important images. All you need is to gather all the family around you, sit in a circle and show them those pictures narrating the story about them.

It is one of the best ways to make your children connect with their ancestors and at the same time it helps you make your family bond stronger.

Learning About Your Locality

Learning about your locality is one of the most interesting family activities that you can try this summer. However, you can do it after the sun sets as during summer the Sun shines above the head providing enough heat to parch you. 

Gather your family members to visit the major locations of your area in your car, nevertheless, you can book a taxi as well. 

While visiting the various locations, tell the important facts about those places to the children and even to the adults as most of us are ignorant about our surroundings. In this way, you can make everyone in the family connected to the surroundings.

Also read: Family Bonding: 5 Ways To Strengthen Family Relationships

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I love to express myself using words. I have a master's in English literature and have interest in diverse domains. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about Lifestyle, love and relatioship, friendship, travel, family, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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