How To Make Online FriendsHow To Make Online Friends

In today’s world making online friends is much easier than making friends in real life. However, it is important to stay safe while talking to strangers online. 

When you are trying to find friends online, ensure that you don’t share any private information with them. Take time, gain trust, and ensure that the person on the other side of the internet is not impersonating someone. You can do this by getting to know them and talking to them via chat or video call.

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How To Make Friends Online?

  1. Get On Social Media

The simple way to make friends online is through social media. Many social media sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitch, and Instagram have millions of active users. Hence, your chances of finding someone to talk to are higher.

  1. Connect On Something Mutual

Friendship isn’t forced, it happens naturally. Be it in a comment section of a celebrity post or just by replying to each other’s story. When you find people with mutual interests, it’s easier to connect with them.

Nevertheless, ensure that you don’t seem too desperate to talk to them as friendships can be forced, let it happen naturally. 

  1. Talk with them

Once you find someone with mutual interests, talk with them regularly. Learn about them, tell them about yourself but don’t overshare personal details unless you know them extremely well.

  1. Meet Them

If you and your virtual friend live in the same city, then you should plan on meeting each other. 

Nevertheless, there are a few things to keep in mind when you are meeting your online friends which are mentioned below.

Things To Keep In Mind While Meeting An Online Friend

i) Inform A Trusted Adult

It is important you speak to a guardian or someone who you trust when you are meeting someone online.

ii) Meet In A Public Place 

It is the most important safety measure you must take. It’s always ideal to meet in a public place if you are meeting someone new. Additionally, avoid going alone with them anywhere such as in a car or in a hotel room etc.

iii) Speak On Video Call Before You Meet

It is important to ensure safety when meeting a virtual friend. Make sure you know them well. With the use of AI people can easily imitate others and hence it is important to be safe and tell someone you trust.

Share the details of where you are going, and with whom. Moreover, it will be a safer alternative if someone can accompany you to ensure that you are not falling into the trap of catfishing.

iv) Trust your instinct

It is important to listen to your instinct, if it tells you something is wrong then avoid doing it. Additionally, if for some reason you doubt the person you are talking to online, talk with a trusted adult.

Making online friends is great, but is important to be safe. 

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Benefits Of Making Online Friends

  • No Geographical Barrier

When you make friends online you are not limited to any geographical barriers. You can be friends with someone from any part of the world. Additionally, it will help you learn more about their culture and lifestyle.

  • No Judgement

People you know in real life are likely to have a prejudice towards you. However, when you make friends online you don’t know anything about them and vice-versa. This helps you to get to know each other without any judgment or prejudice. 

  • Easier To Make Conversation

Starting a conversation with someone online is much easier than making conversations in real life. Moreover, this is a huge pro for introverted people or people with social anxiety.

In online friendship, one doesn’t have to try to make a good first impression with their looks or have to fear that they might stutter. Texting someone online gives you the freedom of time because you can take your time to respond.

  • Safety Features

While trying to find friends online, you may come across people you don’t have a good connection with. In such cases, you can simply block them if they make you feel uncomfortable.

  • More Openness

Making a virtual friend is easier than making a friend in real life as people find it easier to open up and share their feelings online.

Will My Online Friendship Last?

It is a myth that online friendships don’t last. While maintaining online friendships can be challenging due to factors such as: 

i) Time barriers

Oftentimes, you may have friends who live in a different time zone which makes it challenging for you to talk to your friends at a time you both are comfortable with.

ii) Personal Life

Another reason for friends drifting apart is when they get busy with their own personal life. People grow, go to college, and get jobs and it’s getting difficult to stay in touch when you get busy overtime

iii) Losing touch overtime

Over time, you may lose touch or simply drift apart from your friends, this can happen both online and offline.


Making friends online has its own advantages but it is important to be cautious with who you trust and what information you share with them.

Social networking sites have given people the freedom to talk to people around the world. You can easily connect with people over mutual interests. 

While some say online friendships don’t last, it is a myth. Nevertheless, there can be certain challenges that arise when you make virtual friends.

The beauty of making friends online is that you may not need to be in touch every day, but every time you occasionally talk, you will have a good connection. Moreover, if you are lucky enough you may get to meet your online best friend someday.

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelors in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics, and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer questions of others.

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